Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The beginning of the adventure

Welcome to our blog. We have just started on an adventure of faith and we would love to share our story with anyone who wants to hear. But to start this adventure we have to start from the beginning. My husband and I are heading out to do mission work at Agape Flights in Florida but as we get started we need to let you know how this all came about.

Lance and I have received many blessings in our lives; physical healing, material possessions, friendships, family, children and a good home. In November of 2008, things changed in our world when Lance lost his job. This was a very interesting day in our home, despite the dire looks of our circumstance, we were joyful and confident. Because of our faith in the Lord and His timing, we knew this was opportunity not a challenge. We went to the Lord with expectant hearts and waited to see where God was leading us. As the job applications came and went, we realized that God’s ability to close corporate job doors was pointing us in the direction of doing His work. With a seed planted the previous summer by our neighbors we allowed God to show us to Agape Flights where we learned all of Lance’s previous job/computer skills were needed to support His missionaries in the fields. God is challenging us through this experience to step outside our comfort zone in many ways, but we feel that when we are stretched is when we grow the most. We have placed this entire situation in His hands and we are doing our best to complete the task He has set before us. We know that none of this is possible without Him so we are watching Him work and listening to His calling in our lives as we move closer to Him and we enter deeper into His service.

We hope you will all join us on this adventure. We are so excited and we can't wait to see what God has in store for us. So if you are up for a little adventure and like to see what God can do...just stay tuned and prepare to be amazed.

Never give in!
In His service, Lynn and Lance

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