Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why call this "Stepping out of the boat"?

For the last 2 months Lance and I have struggled with the decision to go on this adventure. Even though we knew God has something planned for us, we didn't see right away that Agape was the way He wanted us to go. We prayed and waited until one day we decided that "stepping out of the boat" of our comfort zone was what He was asking us to do. We had never seriously considered the idea of going into the mission field. We felt that with being mission support was our role or even working for a mission organization. Afterall, we have two little kids and moving them into the mission field would never work, right?? God said "wrong". After praying about this decision for some time, we realized that everything we have done so far was preparing us for this move. We finally realized that it was time to step out and do what we thought could not be done. And it is true, we can not do this on our own, we are only capable to do this with His help. '"With God all things are possible."(Matthew 19:26) We have been questioned many times already on how we think we will raise support in this economy and in these times, but it is not up to us. That is up to God. We are only being asked to be obiedent and follow His call on our lives. He will create the funds, the house sale, and the logistics. We are to be His servants and His hands and feet and do as we are asked. So we will. We will face the challenge with confidence and keep our eyes on Him.

We also had to make this decision based on our faith in His timing. We were hesistant and questioned whether it was the right time. But at one point we decided that we needed to look at the scripture and learn from the lessons of others. When Jesus asked Peter to step out of the boat. Jesus wanted Him to step out now. Peter did not wait until God said, "Come when you are ready..." He said to Peter, "Come." (Matthew 14:29) If I was Peter I would have waited until the water was calm, but that is not what Jesus wanted. Jesus wanted Peter to trust Him now, in the moment. We believe that God wants us to trust Him now also. He wants us to step out during His timing, not ours. We would love to step out when our finances are solid and we have a way to finance ourselves but that would not be stepping out in faith of Him, that would be stepping out because of ourselves. We feel this His time for us and He is calling us now. With that in mind, we are ready to start what some think is "crazy", "impossible", and "are you nuts?".

With all that said, we are ready to "step out of the boat." Step out of the boat of our plans and our timing and trust Him. If we stay focused on Him, we will stay above the water and be safe. If we lose focus, we will fall like Peter. We also "step out of the boat" of our comfort zone and do something that is not familar to us. Raising support and reaching out to others for financing is not something we do easily. So we will be stretched as we accomplish this task. But in stretching, we will grow and we look forward to growing because we know the end result will be worth the work.
Never give in!
In His service, Lynn and Lance (Grace and Hope)

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