Monday, May 2, 2011

May updates


This month the hangar has been a buzz with lots of planning and preparations as Lance has been very busy planning a trip for 14 staff members to travel to the Dominican Republic to provide a “REST and RELAXATION” picnic for the missionaries we serve. Planning the menu, purchasing the food, setting the agenda and pulling all the pieces together was a challenge but was all worth it to give the missionaries a well deserved break.

Along with the time of fellowship and refreshment, the staff also took time to travel to several missionary sites to see each ministry and look for ways to better serve them. Often, after Lance returns from this type of trip, he will see a donated item come into the hangar and immediately knows someone in the field who could benefit from the item. It is a wonderful way for the staff to see the needs, but also, it is a way to see how what we do in Venice, FL makes an impact across the ocean. By putting faces to the names, we feel a stronger connection to the missionaries and we are propelled to work harder to help them in every way.

Besides the picnic work this month, Lance got to use one of his favorite hobbies at work….designing a mezzanine for extra storage space in the hangar. When we lived in Iowa, he was also planning and drawing out plans for shelving. This month, God used this pastime to help him design a new set of shelves for Agape. Home Depot supplied the materials and a crew of volunteer workers through a community grant program. We really loved seeing the project come together and the thought of an old hobby being used for God was such a highlight. Thank you Lord for using us in so many different ways.

Praises and Prayer requests

Praise God for a safe trip to the Dominican Republic last week. He made every detail come together from the flights to the weather.

Praise the Father for the resurrection of His Son that we celebrated last week. He is risen...He is risen indeed!!! We are so grateful for His sacrificial love for us.

Praise the Lord for the doors He opens for us in our own community.

Please pray for us as we strive to live our faith “out loud” for Christ. Pray we will never miss a chance to bring another soul into the Kingdom.

Please pray for the Agape staff as we prepare to transition to a new Executive Director this month. Pray that change will be an opportunity to stretch our faith and trust God for every detail.

Please pray for Agape members, Jan and Val Gutwien, who lost their 5 year old son in Haiti this month. Brett had a medical condition from birth but that did not stop this family from answering God’s call to serve in Haiti. Please pray for comfort and peace for Brett’s family.

Thank you for your prayers for us. You are a vital part of all God is doing.
Hope you all have a month full of blessings and abundance.
Living victoriously in Christ,
The Andersons

Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.
Jeremiah 32:17

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